Visitors often comment on the number of teens and young adults at Crooked Creek. Wise parents, who have seen children as a blessing rather than a bother, are responsible for this phenomenon. We are thrilled to assist these parents in rearing young people who will serve God with all they have in whatever career or ministry they are called to enter.

Teens with Kenny Baldwin at camp PCC
Our teens meet at 10:00 on Sunday mornings for solid Bible teaching and study, led by teachers who live what they teach. They have fun at occasional activities geared for them at the church as well as at summer camp and at our annual Teen Adventure Weekend at the Wilds in North Carolina.
We do not believe that the teen years have to be years of rebellion and heartache. With God’s help we seek to “turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers” (Malachi 4:6). If you have young people, please consider bringing them with you as you visit the Creek – we will do all we can through preaching, teaching, prayer, encouragement, and example to assist you as you raise them to know and love Jesus Christ.