The Harvest The Power For the Harvest February 5, 2012 Bible Text: Mark 5:1-20 | Preacher: Matt Davis | Series: The Harvest
The Harvest The Heart of the Samaritan January 29, 2012 Bible Text: Luke 10:25-37 | Preacher: Matt Davis | Series: The Harvest
The Harvest Reaching the Undesirables January 22, 2012 Bible Text: Mark 2:13-17 | Preacher: Matt Davis | Series: The Harvest
The Harvest Impacting the Harvest January 15, 2012 Bible Text: John 4:31-35 | Preacher: Matt Davis | Series: The Harvest
General The Road to Bethlehem December 11, 2011 Bible Text: Genesis 3:15-21 | Preacher: Matt Davis | Series: General Bro. Matt showed a powerpoint, which he referred to several times during the sermon. You can view it as… Continue reading...
General How Long October 23, 2011 Bible Text: Psalm 4:1-2 | Preacher: Matt Davis | Series: General A sermon on revival.
General Prominent or Preeminent September 11, 2011 Bible Text: Colossians 1:13-18 | Preacher: Matt Davis | Series: General
Jude Inward, Outward, Upward and Forward July 17, 2011 Bible Text: Jude 1:1-25 | Preacher: Matt Davis | Series: Jude
Jude The Markings of a False Teacher July 3, 2011 Bible Text: Jude 1:11-25 | Preacher: Matt Davis | Series: Jude
Jude Certain Men, Crept In Unawares May 22, 2011 Bible Text: Jude 1:1-25 | Preacher: Matt Davis | Series: Jude