Bible Text: John 15:1-5 | Preacher: Craig Sick | Series: General Mr. Sick preaches for the first time at Crooked Creek.
Preacher: Tom Miles | Series: Kings of Judah Pastor Miles summarizes the stories of the kings of Judah. Part two of a two-part series.
Bible Text: 2 Chronicles 34:18-33 | Preacher: Tom Miles | Series: Kings of Judah The story of how the Book of the Law is found, which Josiah then reads to…
Bible Text: Hebrews 6:18 | Preacher: David Dzimianski | Series: General David Dzimianski gives a testimony about how God has worked in his life during his first year at Baptist…
Bible Text: Judges 2:1-15 | Preacher: Matt Davis | Series: General Pastor Davis tells the story of how the Israelites failed to pass their faith on to their children after…