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Preacher: Mason Evans | Series: General Mason tells the church about the faithfulness of God during his time in the United States Army.
Bible Text: 2 Timothy 1:6-14 | Preacher: Matt Davis | Series: General Pastor Davis preaches from I Timothy, where Paul exhorts Timothy to use his gifts to boldly share the…
Bible Text: Genesis 48:19 | Preacher: Tom Miles | Series: General Pastor Miles talks about the biblical principle of stewardship from the life of Joseph and the teachings of Jesus.
Bible Text: 1 John 4:7-17 | Preacher: 2010 Missionary Panel | Series: General Chad Phillips and his family are missionaries to Cambodia. This is a report of their first term…
Preacher: Tom Miles | Series: General This sermon focuses on Paul's call for the Ephesian Christians to awake from their spiritual slumber and receive the light of Christ.
Preacher: Doug Threllfall | Series: General Mr. Threllfall is Crooked Creek's missionary to the Republic of Korea.
Bible Text: Ephesians 4:27-30 | Preacher: Tom Miles | Series: General
Bible Text: Ephesians 4:11-15 | Preacher: Tom Miles | Series: General Pastor Miles preaches from Ephesians the necessity of spiritual maturity for Christians.
Bible Text: Ephesians 4:27 | Preacher: Tom Miles | Series: General Pastor Miles preaches from Ephesians 4, where the apostle Paul gives instructions for Christian conduct.
Bible Text: Ephesians 3:14-19 | Preacher: Tom Miles | Series: General Pastor Miles preaches about Paul's prayer for the Church in Ephesus.
Bible Text: Revelation 3:14-22 | Preacher: Matt Davis | Series: Letters to the Churches