Bible Text: Hebrews 6:18 | Preacher: David Dzimianski | Series: General David Dzimianski gives a testimony about how God has worked in his life during his first year at Baptist…
Bible Text: John 5:19-23 | Preacher: Tom Miles | Series: General Bro. Tom preaches a Father's Day message
Bible Text: Romans 4:9-12 | Preacher: Tom Miles | Series: General Pastor Miles preaches about the faith of Abraham and how salvation is by faith alone.
Bible Text: Judges 2:1-15 | Preacher: Matt Davis | Series: General Pastor Davis tells the story of how the Israelites failed to pass their faith on to their children after…
Preacher: Kassidy Reynolds | Series: General Kassidy Reynolds gives a report on her mission trip to Uganda.
Bible Text: 2 Timothy 1:5 | Preacher: Ricky Beussee | Series: General Bro. Ricky preaches on the responsibilities of a mother using examples of Godly mothers from the Bible.
Bible Text: Ephesians 4:8-11 | Preacher: Matt Davis | Series: General Pastor Davis reveals the best gift that a church can give to its pastor.
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 11;23-30 | Preacher: Matt Davis | Series: General Pastor Davis reminds the church of the meaning of the Lord's Supper.
Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 | Preacher: Skipper Smith | Series: General Bro. Skipper shares a sermon that God gave him after the loss of his 43 year old son,…